T21: Raising Cultural Awareness in HCI Design
Half Day Tutorial
Astrid Beck (short bio)
GUI Design, Offenbachstr. 18, 70195 Stuttgart, Germany
Kerstin Röse (short bio)
AG Nutzergerechte Produktentwicklung, Fachbereich MV, Gottlieb Daimler Str. 42, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Rüdiger Heimgärtner (short bio)
Intercultural User Interface Consulting (IUIC), Lindenstraße 9, 93152 Undorf, Germany
After the workshop the attendees should have…
…insight for the needs of a broad audience of users with different cultural background
…knowledge about the methods and techniques reasonably used in intercultural user interface design
…a feeling for the problems in intercultural usability engineering by doing some practical exercises
Content and Benefits
- Introduction
Benefit: Getting culturally sensitive
- Motivation & benefits of intercultural user interface design and intercultural usability engineering (usability, customer satisfaction, customer retention, sales)
- What are important cultural issues, degrees of cultural awareness, cultural differences and stereotypes – Reviews and examples from projects in China and Germany
- Quiz: how good is your cultural awareness? How can we solve the problems: what methods are necessary to do it in the right way? (short exercise in groups)
- Identifying Cultural Differences in HCI Design
Benefit: Knowing cultural differences and their problematic implications
- Problematic issues: e.g. tasks, user participation, attitude of project members, SW-architecture for multicultural projects
- How to identify cultural differences in HCI, their application in product development as well as their implications on usability?
- Identifying the cultural differences in HCI, their application in product development as well as their implications on usability (short exercise in groups)
- Presentation & discussion of the group’s results
- Identifying Problems Using Usability Engineering Methods within the Intercultural Context
Benefit: Knowing methodological problems and how to avoid them
- Presenting methods of usability engineering with focus on development for an international audience for analysis, design, development, and test: e.g. interviews, personas, scenarios, prototyping, testing, visual design etc. for cultural diverse users
- Identifying problems using these methods in intercultural context (short exercises in groups) (e.g. by developing an outline for an international web site)
- Presentation & discussion of the group’s results
- Closing
Benefit: Deepening the learned by reflecting it with others
Summary & Discussion
Target audience
Usability engineers and user interface designers with diverse cultural background interested in taking account of and in discussing cultural aspects in user interface design and usability engineering.