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HCI International News, Number 44, November 2010


HCII 2011: Upcoming Deadlines

  • Friday, 3 December 2010: Notification of Review Outcome for papers and tutorials
  • Before 15 January 2011: Early registration
  • Friday, 4 February 2011: Deadline for receipt of camera-ready papers
  • Friday, 11 February 2011: Deadline for Posters Abstract Receipt
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HCII 2011: Posters Submission - Deadline 11 February 2011

Abstract submission of Posters for HCI International 2011 is now open through the Conference Management System (CMS).

Prospective authors will need to create, if they have not done so yet, their individual account by filling–in an Account Signup Form with the CMS in order to proceed with abstract submission. Once they have created their account, they can login into the CMS and submit an abstract, view their submission(s), and update their account and contact information.

An abstract of 300 words should be submitted by Friday, 11 February 2011. No specific formatting guidelines apply for the preparation of the abstract. References, tables and figures are acceptable in the abstract. The 300-words limit excludes references.

For more information, please visit:

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HCII 2011: Publication of posters in the Springer CCIS series

The extended abstracts of the posters accepted for presentation at HCI International 2011 will be also published by Springer as part of the Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series.

The extended poster abstracts shall be at least 4 pages long and maximum 5 pages, and must be written in the form of a self-contained short research paper. They also need to be prepared according to the LNCS manuscript guidelines as available from the Springer website.

The Springer CCIS series is indexed in ISI Proceedings, in dplp and Scopus. As of 2011, this series will also be included in the Engineering Index. As the poster volume will have its own separate ISBN number, posters can also be easily referenced.

Change in the Deadlines: Because of the publication process, the deadlines for poster submissions are updated as follows:

Abstract submission: Friday, 11 February 2011
Notification of review outcome: Monday, 28 February 2011
Deadline for camera-ready receipt: Friday, 25 March 2011

Registration Regulation: Inclusion of extended poster abstracts in the Conference Proceedings is conditional upon unique registration of one author per poster by 25 March 2011.

For more information, please visit:

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HCII 2011: Proceedings Update

The HCI International 2011 Conference Proceedings, comprising the papers and the extended poster abstracts to be presented at the Conference, will be published by Springer in a multivolume set in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series and the Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series. They will be available on–line through the SpringerLink Digital Library, readily accessible by all subscribing libraries around the world.

All Conference participants will receive in their registration bags the Conference Proceedings published by Springer in DVD format. This DVD will include the papers and the extended abstracts of the posters that will be presented during the Conference.

The Conference Proceedings in paperback format will be available for purchase directly through Springer’s website at a special discounted price of 33,3 % off the list price for all Conference participants, authors and co-authors, both as separate volumes and as a full set.

Registration Regulation: Inclusion of papers in the conference proceedings is conditional upon unique registration of one author per paper by 4 February 2011. Furthermore, inclusion of extended poster abstracts in the conference proceedings is conditional upon unique registration of one author per poster by 25 March 2011.

The volumes (including papers) published as part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series, including its subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), are indexed by the following services:

The volumes (including extended poster abstracts) published as part of the Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series, are indexed by the following services:

For more information about LNCS and LNAI series please visit: http://www.springer.com/lncs
Information about CCIS series please visit: http://www.springer.com/series/7899

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HCII 2011: Preparation of the camera-ready papers

For inclusion in the Conference Proceedings, authors of accepted papers are requested to submit their final, camera-ready papers by Friday, 4 February 2011,at the latest, via the Conference Management System (CMS).

Instructions for the formatting of the papers are available through the Conference website at: http://www.hcii2011.org/index.php?module=webpage&id=39

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HCII 2011: Invited Parallel Sessions

There are two different procedures for paper submission and selection in HCI International Conference series:

  1. The ordinary process: Prospective authors submit extended abstracts of papers in one of the Conference Thematic Areas. Program Chairs organize and carry out the peer-review process, and a decision is communicated to the authors.
  2. By invitation: By invitation: The Conference has a long established tradition of inviting distinguished scientists and professionals in the HCI field to organize parallel sessions. Session organizers are responsible for inviting 7 prospective authors (academics, researchers and practitioners known in the field for their acknowledged work) to submit paper contributions. Session organizers are also responsible for organizing and carrying out the peer-review process either on an extended abstract or the full paper (it is up to them). It is also the responsibility of the session organizers to set up any intermediate deadlines with the authors in a way that would ensure that the camera-ready version of all session papers reach the Conference Organizers on time for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings.
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HCII 2011: Journal publication of high quality HCI International 2011 papers

A number of high quality papers from all Thematic Areas of HCI International 2011 will be selected to be invited for submission of an extended version to the International Journal of Human Computer Interaction (IJHCI), published by Taylor&Francis, or the International Journal Universal Access in the Information Society (UAIS), published by Springer.

The papers to be invited for journal publication will be subject to the regular review process of the journals.

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HCII 2011: Invitation to Exhibit at HCI International 2011

The HCI International Conference is an ideal opportunity to exhibit your products and services to an international audience of about 2,000 researchers, academics, professionals and users in the field of HCI. HCI International, taking place every two years in a different part of the world each time, is held jointly with its affiliated conferences under one management and one registration.

Attendees will have a unique opportunity to explore state-of-the-art HCI technology and interact with manufacturing representatives, vendors, publishers, and potential employers. By exhibiting at HCI International 2011, you will help to make this an exciting and informative event.

For more information, please visit:

Deadline for Early Registration Discount Jan 15, 2011

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HCII 2011: Registration

Registration for the Conference will be available through the Conference Management System starting 1 December 2010, starting from $595 (Discounted fee) for the Early Registration period until 15 January 2011.

For more information about registration, including information about special offers, please visit:

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HCII 2011: Accommodation

A number of rooms have been reserved to be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis and reduced hotel rates starting from US $149 per night (not including breakfast, taxes, gratuities or incidental charges) have been agreed with the Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek, main hotel of the Conference. These rates are valid for all Conference participants for the duration of the Conference as well as for 3 additional days, before and / or after the Conference.

For more information about accommodation, including reservation details, please visit:

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Oracle OpenWorld: The Oracle Empire's Customers/Users Conference

Oracle OpenWorld was held in San Francisco from September 19-23, 2010. This year's particularity was the addition of the "Java One" conference after acquisition of Sun Microsystems. This made the event, according to Oracle, the largest conference in Oracle's history. With more than 41,000 attendees it was too large for the Mascone convention center complex and used many hotels in the area as well. Despite the sophisticated conference organization, going from one location to another proved to be difficult, inconvenient and time consuming. Many JavaOne attendees also felt slighted being at Hilton not Mascone and some even found the experience painful!

On the content side and from Human Computer Interaction standpoint, 5 years after acquisition of PeopleSoft and then Siebel and others, the promised land of "Fusion Applications" with all the best of features from all, sounded still quite like a promise. I was not able to see any concrete demonstrations of human computer interaction illustrating advances in technology or innovations in user interface or user experience.

On the technology side an important theme and hot topic seemed to be Cloud Computing, as one finds in most technology conferences and events these days.

All related sessions on this topic were well attended. Curious attendees struggled to see what is really happening in cloud computing since many presentations seemed to be somewhat light in terms of content. We still need to wait and see what the real results and impacts of Cloud Computing will be. Maybe at next year's Oracle OpenWorld - if one is optimistic!


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Book Review: Analyzing Social Media Networks with NodeXL

In a well illustrated and easy to read book on Social Media Networks, the authors offer in the introductory chapters (1 to 3) definitions and overview of social media networking concepts along with multiple examples of analysis techniques. Then, NodeXL, an interesting open source template for Excel is used to illustrate the analysis techniques. Easy instructions are given through tutorials on how to use NodeXL for social media network analysis (Chapters 4-7). Chapter 8-15 provide ample cases studies illustrating networks analysis for email, Twitter, hyperlinks and more, thus enabling readers to use the tool proficiently to conduct social media network analysis.

With an extensive list of related references, colorful charts and graphs, this book is a valuable resource to all professionals involved in designing, evaluating and researching social media networking. It is also an excellent textbook choice for a social media networking related courses.

Analyzing Social Media Networks with NodeXL - Insights from a Connected World, Derek Hansen, Ben Shneiderman, Marc Smith, Morgan Kaufman , Elsevier, 2011, ISBN 13: 978-0-12-382229-1

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Recent News and Articles

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Upcoming Conferences and Events

December 2010

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CALL FOR PAPERS: Special Issue of Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making.
Exploring Cognitive Readiness in Complex Operational Environments: Advances in Theory and Practice

NEW BOOK: Analyzing Social Media Networks with NodeXL - Insights from a Connected World
By: Derek Hansen, Ben Shneiderman, Marc Smith
Published: AUG-2010, ISBN 13: 978-0-12-382229-1

The Special issue of Interacting with Computers Volume 22, Issue 5, Pages 313-438 (September 2010) Edited by Effie Lai-Chong Law and Paul van Schaik on the topic: Modeling user experience - An agenda for research and practice
Interacting with Computers

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About HCI International NEWS

The HCI International NEWS is a newsletter that contains information about the HCI International 2011 Conference, book reviews, news from the field of HCI, as well as links to interesting articles and conferences. If you have any questions or comments, or if you would like to make a contribution, please contact the Editor, Dr. Abbas Moallem. Please note that this newsletter is being sent from an e-mail address that cannot receive e-mails. The opinions that are expressed in this Newsletter are the sole responsibility of its authors and do not represent any institution or company.

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How to Contribute

We welcome your contribution to the HCI International News. Please send to us interesting news, short articles, interesting websites, etc. We will consider your comments and contributions for upcoming issues. Please send your contribution to the Editor, Dr. Abbas Moallem.
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