Program Board
Program Chair
Constantine Stephanidis, Greece
Constantine Stephanidis, Greece
Program Board Members
- Julio Abascal, Spain
- Ray Adams, United Kingdom
- Elisabeth André, Germany
- Margherita Antona, Greece
- Chieko Asakawa, Japan
- Christian Bühler, Germany
- Jerzy Charytonowicz, Poland
- Pier Luigi Emiliani, Italy
- Michael Fairhurst, United Kingdom
- Dimitris Grammenos, Greece
- Andreas Holzinger, Austria
- Simeon Keates, Denmark
- Georgios Kouroupetroglou, Greece
- Sri Kurniawan, United States
- Patrick M. Langdon, United Kingdom
- Seongil Lee, Korea
- Zhengjie Liu, P.R. China
- Klaus Miesenberger, Austria
- Helen Petrie, United Kingdom
- Michael Pieper, Germany
- Anthony Savidis, Greece
- Andrew Sears, United States
- Christian Stary, Austria
- Hirotada Ueda, Japan
- Jean Vanderdonckt, Belgium
- Gregg C. Vanderheiden, United States
- Gerhard Weber, Germany
- Harald Weber, Germany
- Panayiotis Zaphiris, Cyprus
Indicative topics/keywords of the broad spectrum of issues addressed:
- Access to education and learning
- Access to mobile interaction
- Access to on–line communities and eServices
- Access to the Web
- Accessible games
- Accessibility guidelines
- Adaptive and augmented interaction
- Alternative I/O techniques
- Ambient intelligence
- Architectures and tools for universal access
- Context–awareness
- Design for All best practice
- Design for All education and training
- Design for All methods, techniques and tools
- Development methods
- Economics of universal access
- Evaluation of Accessibility, Usability, and User Experience
- Implicit Interaction
- Interaction techniques, platforms and metaphors
- Modality–independent interaction
- Multi–sensory interfaces
- Personalization
- Privacy issues in sensor-augmented environments
- Smart artifacts and smart environments
- User and context modeling and monitoring